How to Make a Crystal Grid

How to Make a Crystal Grid

If your wallet isn't as fat as you'd like it to be, or your dream partner hasn't showed up yet, tap into the power of crystals by making a crystal grid. These are made by placing crystals in a circle or other geometric pattern that will direct energy toward whatever you want to create.

Things You'll Need:

Five crystals that correspond to what you want to manifest

Location to place the grid where it won't be disturbed

Sage smudge stick, bell, or bowl of sea salt


Make the intention clear. This is an important element when charging crystals and should be done whenever working with crystals. Be sure to always intend everything for the highest good.


Select a location for the grid. It may be an obvious location like the bedroom for better sleep. Wherever the grid is placed, make sure it won't be disturbed.


Clear the space. This can be done by waving a sage smudge stick, ringing a bell or placing a bowl of sea salt in the room to collect negative energy.


Place the crystals in the design. A simple design is to place four crystals in a square and a fifth one in the middle. Make sure to point the crystals in the same direction. The crystals used should reflect what you are wanting to manifest. For example, if you want to create a loving relationship, use rose quartz.


Sit next to the grid and quiet your mind by focusing on your breath. Pay attention to any visions, thoughts or feelings that come to you. When you are finished meditating, thank the crystals and the universe and allow yourself to receive your manifestations.

How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

When you have a cold, your muscles ache, your nose is stuffy and your chest is congested. Pamper yourself with a cold relief bubble bath that you can make out of all natural ingredients. The mint, eucalyptus and orange will loosen congestion and help you to breathe easier while relieving aching muscles. The grapefruit oil will help to flush toxins from your body, and the warm water and pleasing scents will relax you.

Things You'll Need:

1 quart distilled or filtered water

6 oz. castile soap

4 oz. liquid glycerin

Mixing bowl

Stick blender

7 drops eucalyptus essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential oil

3 drops peppermint oil

2 drops spearmint oil

4 drops sweet orange essential oil

Clean, resealable container


Place the distilled water, castile soap and liquid glycerin in a mixing bowl and blend them thoroughly with a stick blender.


Add the eucalyptus essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, peppermint oil, spearmint oil and sweet orange essential oil and mix until the ingredients are thoroughly blended.


Store your cold relief bubble bath in a clean, resealable container.

Tips & Warnings

Soak in the cold relief bubble bath for at least 10 minutes. Breath deeply through your nose and exhale from your mouth to get the most benefit from the essential oils.

Don't use cold relief bubble bath for young
without checking with your doctor first.

If you have sensitive skin, use a bit less peppermint oil and keep the oil away from your face.

How to Make a Cleansing Bath

How to Make a Cleansing Bath

Baths are a great way to relax in solitude, but if you add some liquid sage you can also get a nice cleanse out of it. This self cleansing bath will help to nullify all the negativity you've built up over the past week.

Things You'll Need:

Liquid Sage

Sea salt


Fill the tub with hot water and mix in two cups of sea salt. Add one teaspoon of sage oil to it. If you don't have any, sprinkle regular sage into the water, but make sure to wash it all off before you leave the tub.


If you have oil of
and tea tree as well, add four drops of each oil to your bath.


Lower yourself into the water and visualize it cleansing you of all negativity. Feel the negativity in your entire physical, mental and spiritual self being to be released into the water as you bathe.


Take a loofah and scrub away all the tension in your body.


When you feel ready, release the drain, allowing the negatively charged water to flow out of the tub. Repeat the following as it drains three times:
"Thank you Water Elements of the West for cleansing my body, mind and spirit of negativity."


Rinse yourself off with cool water and dry off.

Tips & Warnings

Sage helps fight acne and skin inflammations.

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

The castor oil pack has been used successfully for centuries to improve elimination, digestion, circulation and improve lymphatic function.
Read on to find out what conditions can be treated with it and how to make a castor oil pack.

Things You'll Need:

Organic castor oil

cotton flannel or undyed wool

plastic wrap

hot water bottle

Bath towel




Liver overload from prescription/recreational/over the counter drugs and/or alcohol use.

--Inflammation of joints, muscles, and organs


--Conditions that inhibit lymph flow or immune function

--Digestive and eliminative issues

--Menstrual difficulties and/or ovarian/uterine cysts



Place on the right side of the abdomen to stimulate the liver

Use to detoxify the liver.

--Apply to swollen, inflamed, sore joints and muscles.

--Place on the abdomen to relieve digestive issues and constipation.

--Place on the lower abdomen to relieve menstrual complaints or cysts.



Gather all items needed and fill water bottle with hot water.

--Make sure flannel is large enough to fold 2 or 3 times.

--Soak flannel in enough castor oil to saturate, but not drip.

--Apply to area of the body, directly on the skin.

--Apply plastic wrap over full cloth.

--Place heated water bottle over pack.

--Place a towel over the whole pack.

--Cover yourself with a blanket.


Rest for 30-60 minutes. This is a good time to just be "still". Or perhaps, a book or listen to music, or even meditate.

Use 3-5 times per week. Time length recommended is 6 weeks to 3 months.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't have a hot water bottle, you may use an herbal hot pack (or a couple socks filled with rice and tied at the end; heated in the microwave.) Electric heating pads are not recommended.

Store flannel in ziplock bag in the refrigerator. It can be re-used 25-30 times.

A baking soda/water paste will remove excess oil residue

Castor oil will stain clothes and linens so prepare accordingly.

If you have concerns or questions about castor oil for your own use; please discuss it with a holistic health practitioner.

How to Make a calming Massage Oil

How to Make a calming Massage Oil

Create a calming, sensual massage oil that will soothe your senses and relax your muscles.

Things You'll Need:

Empty bottle

8 oz oil

10-15 drops sandlewood essential oil

15-20 drops patcholi essential oil

10 drops cedarwood essential oil

1-2 drops lavender essential oil


Pour 8 oz oil into empty bottle.


Add essential oils


Gently stir contents of bottle


Put lid on bottle and you are ready to massage

Tips & Warnings

The best oils to use are natual, Bio-tone is my prefered brand, or you can use vegetable, corn, olive, almond, sunflower or jojba oil.

Check that your base oil does not have its own scent or that will change the outcome.

You can adjust the amounts of essential oil to your preference. I have used this on my clients for years and they love it.

When you are done just smell and feel the relaxation come over you. If you feel the need to add a few more drops of any of the essential please do so, make it your own.

If you are pregnant do not add
oil to your mixture.

Lavender is also a strong essential oil be careful not to add to much.

How to Make a Burn Treatment

How to Make a Burn Treatment

Ever burn yourself on the kitchen stove and reach for immediate relief only to find none? This easy recipe can be made at home and kept close at hand in case of an emergency. You will be happy to have it, believe me!

Things You'll Need:

Aloe vera gel

Dark glass bottle & lid

Kettle for boiling water

Large mixing bowl

Strainers, sieves




I had seared the palm of my hand once by picking up a large pot that was on a hot burner. I threw the pot out the window, put my hand in a glass of cold water and went about the garden picking herbs. I made myself a very effective concoction which I will describe to you. It is much better to have this on hand, on the ready for when the next burn comes.

Find the fresh healing herbs that are right in your own back yard. This is where any home-made healing product begins. Here are some ideas for burn treatment herbs: horsetail fern, mint of any kind, flowers of chamomile, calendula or violet, leaves of plantain or nettles, root of comfrey, dandelion or burdock. If you don't have any fresh herbs or wildflowers available, use loose peppermint tea.


Fill your kettle with purified water and put it on to boil. Rip leaves and flowers by hand. Grind your root in an herb-only coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle. The more surface of the plant product exposed to the water, the more effective the infusion will be. Fill the quart jar to 8oz with herb and wait for the water to boil.


Make sure your water is as pure as possible, distilled or filtered or both. Lead, copper, mercury, chlorine, flouride (all commonly found in US tap water) will affect the quality of any product you make at home. Fill the quart jar up with boiling water. Seal your lid.


Let the herbs steep. You are making an infusion. If you need to get immediate relief, let the tea steep for 20 minutes before straining. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave it for 24 hours.


Strain the infusion. Pour it back into your quart jar and top off with purified water. You now have 32-oz herbal infusion.


Pour into a large bowl. Add 32-oz aloe vera gel, organic if possible. Mix with a whisk.


If you burned your hand or foot, you can put your burn directly into your mixing bowl and let it soak until you have some relief. You can soak a clean, white, cotton rag or bandage in the mixture, squeeze out excess moisture and wrap it around your burns for comfort. This is good for sleeping. You can cover the wet bandage with a plastic bag to avoid seepage onto your clothes or bedding.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to keep your bandage clean. Do not re-use a dirty bandage. Throw it away and get a new one every time.

Do not dip a used bandage into your clean healing mixture. You will have to throw it away and start again.

Any clean product left over should be poured into a dark glass bottle and kept in a cool, dark place - like your fridge. The aloe vera is an anti-oxidant so it will have a healthy shelf life.

Remember that infection is what you want to be most careful to avoid. Keep everything clean!

Burns are among the most painful skin traumas you can suffer. Take aspirin or ibuprofen to kill the pain. If that is not enough, see your doctor for narcotic pain-killers.

Burns also leave nasty scars. After the pain is gone, be sure to use Vitamin E oil and evening primrose oil directly on the scars. Make sure you are getting enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids in your diet. These steps will help reduce scarring.

If you see muscle, tendon or bone THROUGH your burn, it is 3rd degree and needs immediate medical attention. Get thee to a hospital! Good to have someone else drive you as you might go into shock.

How to Make a big Batch of Kombucha

How to Make a big Batch of Kombucha

Used in China as a healing elixir for more than 2,000 years, Kombucha tea is thought of as a detoxifier that promotes healthy digestion. Healthy digestion leads to better skin, improved eyesight and increased circulation and energy. Kombucha tea is made of probiotic yeast and bacteria, enzymes, black tea and sugar.

Things You'll Need:

Kombucha culture

Filtered water

Black tea

Organic white sugar

Apple cider vinegar

Glass bowl

Cotton towel

Rubber band





Plastic spoon


Brew a pot of black tea. Use 4 tsp. black tea and let it steep for 20 minutes. As Kombucha requires the tea for fermentation, only real tea will synergize this process. Herbal teas or commercial teas with added oils will deter the fermentation process.


Strain the black tea into a container that holds at least 8 1/2 cups and stir in 5.5 ounces of white organic sugar with a large spoon until it dissolves completely. Add additional cold water to make 8 1/2 cups. Hot water will kill the culture, so make sure this is cool before adding.


Add 2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to the glass bowl. Pour the tea into the bowl after it cools.


Slide the Kombucha scoby, or culture, into the bowl with the tea and cover it with the cotton towel.


Secure the towel with a rubber band. This will keep contaminants out of the scoby, but let air get to the culture so it can ferment.


Set the brew in a dark area at 70 to 86 degrees for seven to 14 days. After seven days, the tea will have fermented. You can move the scoby to the side and taste the tea and see if it's as sweet or bitter as you like. Bottle it when you feel it's the right flavor.


Bottle the tea and save about a cup for your next batch. Use the cup of the Kombacha tea instead of apple cider vinegar for the starter in future brews.

Tips & Warnings

Storing the bottled brew for a four to six weeks will improve the tea's flavor, as the sugar allows fermenting to continue.

Kombucha is a living culture of bacteria and yeasts. Brew your tea with clean hands, bowls, towels and accessories.

If you use a metal bowl instead of glass, the acid created by the fermentation process can pull the metal into the mixture.

If a mold grows on the top of the Kombucha scoby, discard the batch and start over.

Watch out for allergic reactions to Kombucha; nausea and vomiting are common symptoms.

How to Make a Basic Herbal Ointment

How to Make a Basic Herbal Ointment

Ointments are my favorite way to apply herbal remedies topically. They are especially good for treating:

• Skin conditions such as Eczema

• Bites and Stings

• Skin irritations

• Poison Ivy, Poison Sumac and others

• Blisters

The basic recipe is always the same, but the herbs change depending on what you use the ointment for.

Things You'll Need:

3/4 cup oil such as olive or almond

1/4 cup dried herb or herbal blend of choice

Double burner

Microwave safe bowl

4 tbsp. grated beeswax

Small container with a cover

4 to 5 drops essential oil of choice (optional)


Choose the herbs and essential oils you want to include in the blend. For your first blend, dried
or chamomile are good choices. You can also uses lavender or chamomile essential oils.


Place oil and dried herb in a double burner and heat for around 30 minutes.


Strain oil mixture into a microwave safe bowl and discard the herbs.


Add beeswax and microwave on high until beeswax is melted, about 20 minutes. However, times will vary.


Pour into the container and add essential oil. Store in the refrigerator after it cools.

Tips & Warnings

Use natural beeswax, not paraffin for best results.

Be careful while making it--the oil and beeswax will be hot.

How to Make A Anti Gas Lozenge

How to Make A Anti Gas Lozenge

Got gas? Anti Gas Lozenges can be used to relieve stomach issues to avoid uncomfortable moments when gas comes up. Just pop one in when your feeling gassy and you will soon feel better. Learn how to make your own, by reading directions below.

Things You'll Need:

1 sugar cube

1 drop peppermint essential oil


Place the sugar cube on a paper towel.


Add the one drop of peppermint essential oil to the sugar cube.


Let dry for at least one minute.


Place lozenge in mouth and suck on slowly. This will help the peppermint relieve the pressure in the stomach that causes gas.

How to Major in Massage Therapy

How to Major in Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is most often used to alleviate muscular pain that ranges anywhere from slight to severe. Athletic and collegiate teams, professional organizations, and privately owned corporations and businesses will employ educated and professionally licensed massage therapists. A college-educated massage therapist can also gain employment at a private massage therapy firm, or even at a physical therapy practitioner. The possibilities are nearly endless, but in order to take advantage of them, you will need to attain a college-certified massage therapy degree.

Things You'll Need:

Cash or student loans

Full or part-time availability

How to Major in Massage Therapy


Locate a college massage therapy program that is accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation. The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation publishes an annual list of accredited programs at major universities and community colleges. Visit their Website at for more information.


Locate a massage therapy program that offers internship experience and possible job placement after commencement. Much like any other discipline of study, you will want to find a collegiate program that offers some form of professional placement upon graduation. However, if you can not find such a program in your area and are unable to relocate, apply to a college or university that offers internship experience, so that you will be equipped with professional experience immediately after you receive your degree or certificate.


Register to take and pass the institution's minimum-competency exam. Most massage therapy programs require that you pass a minimum-competency exam in order to secure your place at the college or university. They want to be certain that you are able to handle the course-load, which is often comprised of human anatomy and other science courses.


Purchase a professional massage table for practice when not on college or university grounds. A professional massage table will afford you the ability to practice massage techniques from a variety of positions and angles. However, you may need to save money for a professional massage table before you enter the program, as they are often quite costly.


Prepare for a curriculum that focuses greatly on the human anatomy and massage therapy basics. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology is just one of the courses in which you will need to enroll that combines both a scientific and practical knowledge of the human body. The majority of your remaining courses will focus more closely on massage therapy practice and its basic applications.

Tips & Warnings

Search for employment with a company that offers onsite massage to their employees.

Be certain that you desire to become a massage therapist before you apply to various schools with massage therapy programs.

How to Find an Ozone Therapy Practitioner

How to Find an Ozone Therapy Practitioner

Ozone therapy, a 3-decades-old alternative medicine, claims to use an oxidizing molecule to regenerate blood components. An ozone therapy practitioner delivers oxygen through various parts of the body with the aim to boost the immune system, stimulate blood cell generation and spur vibrancy and an overall sense of health and vitality. Ozone therapy is now used to treat everything from diabetes to cancer, and claims to grant patients with renewed energy and drive. Since ozone therapy is a relatively new practice, finding a local practitioner takes a bit more diligence, but it can be well worth the effort.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet connection

Find a Local Ozone Practitioner on the Web


Access your local Yellow Pages via the Web (see Resource below).


Enter your city and state.


Type "ozone therapy" into the empty area, and click "Search." If you don't encounter any results, try other search phrases like "naturopathic physician" or "oxygen therapy."


Click on any listed results for the location and contact information for the practitioner.


Call the practitioner and verify that ozone therapy is offered. There are different types of ozone therapy, so confirm which type or types are offered.


Log on to a site like "Oxygen Healing Therapies" for additional tips on finding a local ozone practitioner (see Resources below).

Find an Ozone Practitioner Through Other Sources


Read Nathaniel Altman's book "Oxygen Healing Therapies: For Optimum Health and Vitality" to learn more about this alternative medicine technique (see Resources below). It's a fantastic resource on the benefits of ozone therapy, and it also contains tips on how to find a local practitioner.


Talk to your doctor about obtaining excellent alternative medicine resources. Many Western doctors fully support alternative practices.


Visit local spas, many of which offer oxygen-related therapies and services.

Tips & Warnings

Costs for ozone therapy vary by the amount and frequency of treatments. Like most medical treatments, they tend to be quite expensive. A good practitioner, however, will grant you a free consultation.

If you are experiencing serious symptoms such as chronic pain or diarrhea, see your doctor immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find an Oriental Bodyworks Practitioner

How to Find an Oriental Bodyworks Practitioner

Oriental bodyworks is the practice of re-aligning the body's energy in order to eliminate physical and mental distress. Practitioners believe many common infirmities, such as bodily pain, fatigue, mental illness and stress are caused by imbalances in the energy flow within the body. An Oriental bodyworks practitioner can be very beneficial in helping patients reduce or eliminate symptoms of physical and mental illnesses through a variety of mediums. Some of the most commonly used Oriental bodyworks techniques include acupressure, shiatsu, tui na and jin shin jyutsu.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Find an Oriental Bodyworks Practitioner


Ask for references from friends and family who may have used an Oriental bodyworks practitioner in the past. This is often the best way to locate a professional you can trust.


Check with the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia to find an Oriental bodyworks practitioner. The AOBTA is a non-profit organization which lists certified practitioners across the United States on its Web site (see Resources below).


Decide whether you want a practitioner who operates out of an office, or one who will come directly to your home.


Make an appointment for a consultation with several practitioners. You'll want to feel absolutely comfortable with the practitioner you choose, so a consultation with your top choices can be very beneficial.

Prepare for Your Treatment With an Oriental Bodyworks Practitioner


Wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. Ideally, tight clothes and jewelry should be left at home.


Expect your first session to last around 60 minutes. Subsequent sessions can last longer, depending on the treatment.


Make a list of your current ailments, as well as any external causes you're aware of. This will help your practitioner get in tune more quickly with your underlying problem.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to thoroughly investigate any Oriental bodyworks practitioner you're considering using. You'll want to make sure the person you choose has solid morals and an outstanding work ethic.

Become familiar with the average charges for Oriental bodyworks therapy in your region. While some areas may have relatively inexpensive practitioners, big-city therapists may be quite expensive.

Anytime you experience sudden pain or unexplained bleeding when pursuing Oriental bodyworks, stop your therapy immediately and call your physician.

Never substitute Oriental bodyworks for medical care in the event of an emergency or life-threatening illness.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner

How to Find a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner

Neuro linguistic programming is based on the technique of modeling, that is, re-forming the way we process sensory stimuli and the words we use to describe them in ways that imitate successful people, known as "masters." The aim of NLP programming is to replace old mental "maps"--ways of thinking and reacting--with new ways of focusing attention, creating a wider perspective and better criteria for setting goals. It is used to treat sleep disorders, phobias, depression and addiction, to improve business and social skills and to increase well-being in general. NLP practitioners operate in all 50 states.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access and email

Research Neuro Linguistic Programming


Visit the NLP Basics Web site to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of neuro linguistic programming (see Resources below).


Visit the NLP Meta Model page of the NLP Basics Web site to learn more about modeling (see Resources below).


Make a list of the problems you want to remedy or the areas in your life that you wish to improve.


Compare the list with the facts you have gathered. Ask yourself if the claims and methods of NLP match your needs. If they do, consider finding a qualified practitioner.

Find a Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner


Search for an NLP practitioner using the NLP Practitioners Director Web site (see Resources below).


Narrow your search using search criteria like location, organization, practitioner's name and/or areas of interest.


Get in touch with a practitioner in your area. You may feel more comfortable emailing this person, although calling directly may give you a better sense of his or her demeanor.


Ask questions. What does the practitioner offer? What is the total cost of each session and how many sessions should you anticipate having? Be sure to get an inclusive price quote up front.


Enjoy the process. NLP is meant to expand one's horizons and change old patterns of thinking.

Tips & Warnings

You will need to decide what type of NLP training sessions you would like--groups, couples or individual--and whether you prefer to learn in person or over the phone.

Neuro linguistic programming can be expensive. Weigh pros and cons carefully to be sure that NLP is right for you.

Those experiencing symptoms of severe depression (suicidal thoughts or extreme withdrawal from social activities) need to be treated by a qualified medical doctor immediately.

Make sure you choose a certified NLP trainer. There are "practitioners" who use the term neuro linguistic programming without a full knowledge of how NLP works.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find a Local Aromatherapist

How to Find a Local Aromatherapist

Aromatherapy is a method that supposedly utilizes botanical oils to relieve ailments and promote well-being. Many people swear that their health challenges have been addressed with this approach, including skin disorders, infections, depression and anxiety. Aromatherapists are professionals who are trained in the discipline and techniques of aromatherapy.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access to research aromatherapists

Find a Local Aromatherapist


Consult a directory. There are online directories that can guide you to local aromatherapists in your area. One such directory is compiled by the Kevala Centre, a group dedicated to spreading the word about holistic health (see Resources below).


Tap into your friends and family. If someone you know has recently had success with an aromatherapist, ask for a referral.


Get the help of an organization. Though there is no national body that governs aromatherapists, there are a handful of private organizations that provide certification within the field. Two of the most prominent are the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) and the International Federation of Aromatherapists (IFA). Visit their Web sites to see if there are any local aromatherapists included in their membership rosters (see Resources below).


Visit the health food store. Many health food stores sell aromatherapy oils and have experts on staff who are skilled in alternative health techniques. Ask if they can make any recommendations regarding aromatherapists in the area.


Learn more about aromatherapy by purchasing "The Aromatherapy Bible: The Definitive Guide to Using Essential Oils" by Gill Farrer-Halls (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Aromatherapy sessions are priced based on the length of the session. A 90-minute treatment, for example, will be more costly than one that lasts an hour. Costs are moderate, but with multiple treatments, overall costs can become expensive.

If suffering from severe symptoms such as the vomiting of blood or seizures, do not attempt to treat your condition with aromatherapy. Instead, immediately seek the care of a physician--you could be suffering from a life-threatening condition.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find a Chinese Medicine Practitioner

How to Find a Chinese Medicine Practitioner

If you're thinking about trying traditional Chinese medicine as an effective, natural alternative to traditional care, the time's never been better. With treatments like acupuncture and herbal remedies for nagging conditions like back injuries or arthritis, Chinese medicine is enjoying a rise in credible visibility. Follow these steps to find a Chinese medicine practitioner to help you.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access


Be aware that most large American cities have a sizable Chinese population. Look for Chinese medicine practitioners in major urban centers.


Visit the American Association of Oriental Medicine Web site (see Resources below). They offer an extensive database of, and information on, practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine across the country. Their Web site can guide you to qualified specialists.


Ask friends or family members if they've ever undergone treatment using any of the techniques of traditional Chinese medicine. They may be able to direct you to a practitioner or local clinic.


Talk to your regular physician. He or she may be able to recommend a qualified practitioner.


Call each of the practitioners you've found. Ask about rates and wait times for appointments. The cost of receiving traditional Chinese medical treatment is generally inexpensive. Shop around for the best rate.


Ask questions of your practitioner about the condition you want to treat and what treatment options are available. Qualified practitioners of Chinese medicine welcome the queries of curious potential patients. They will not be in a rush to take your money.


Ask whether the practitioner or practitioners you're considering are registered with a guild or national association like the American Association of Oriental Medicine. Enlisting the services of unqualified or unregistered practitioners is risky and not recommended.


Choose the practitioner you feel most comfortable with. Bear in mind that your treatment regimen may involve multiple visits.

Tips & Warnings

Ask your practitioner if any of his or her former patients are willing to provide testimonies about the effectiveness of the treatments offered. Most legitimate practitioners will not object to directing you to a person they've cured.

Seek conventional treatment immediately if you've recently suffered an acute or traumatic injury like a severe sprain or deep bruising. Chinese medicine is most frequently used to treat chronic or persistent conditions, not medical emergencies.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Dress While Traveling

How to Dress While Traveling

Learn how to dress while traveling in order to maximize on style yet reduce uncomfortable clothing mishaps. From head to toe, follow a few steps to choose clothes that will ensure your only worry while traveling is what to do first upon your arrival.


Skip the button-up dress shirts and choose a comfortable, 100 percent cotton tee that can be layered for added warmth.


Bring a lightweight coat that offers roomy pockets. Not only will your personal possessions be readily accessible to you, you can keep small items handy, such as tissues and gum.


Wrap a shawl around your shoulders to keep you warm on chilly flights. Shawls also offer a discreet way to nurse an infant.


Ditch the dress shoes and opt for slip-ons that are both comfortable and easy to remove at security checkpoints. Likewise, keep your toes toasty with a pair of form-fitting cashmere socks.


Wear dark pants that perform a double duty. If you are traveling with kids, chances are that you will have something spilled or wiped on you. Choose dark colors that will not only minimize noticeable stains, but can easily evolve from casual to dressy with a simple change of accessories.


Choose smart accessories. Loop a lanyard around your neck to hold your boarding pass or passport during those trips for which you must fly. Likewise, tote a bag that has enough pockets and pouches to accommodate everything you need to carry.

How to Dress When Attending a High School Graduation Ceremony (Female)

How to Dress When Attending a High School Graduation Ceremony (Female)

The day your child graduates from high school is both exciting and nerve-wracking for the both of you. Use these steps to learn how to dress appropriately for your child's high school graduation.


Wear something in tune with the season. Most high school graduations take place in late spring to early summer, so wear something light, airy and colorful. A dress is the best choice, but a skirt and top or a very nice pair of slacks with a great pair of shoes will suffice.


Choose shoes wisely, depending on whether the ceremony is held indoors or outdoors. Also, consider the


forecast, as you may need to wear shoes that you will not slip or sink in the mud or turf should you be outside on a lawn or football stadium.




that is discrete, not gaudy. You want to make a good impression and not embarrass your child with some outrageous accessories. Something simple and classy will look great and a piece that was a gift from the graduate will be a special touch.


Wear sunglasses if the ceremony is outside. It is also appropriate for a lady to wear a hat if she pleases.

Tips & Warnings

Consider how long you will be standing and if you will be outside.

Take a cardigan or light sweater. If you are outside and the weather changes, you will be protected from cold, wind or rain. If you are inside, the A/C is sure to be turned on and set low to ensure it is cool for the crowd.

If wearing a hat, consider the people behind you. You don't want to ruin someone else's happy occasion just to appear fashionable.

Some schools have strict security to get into the graduation ceremony, so don't wear anything you wouldn't wear to an airport or courthouse.

How to Dress When Attending a Funeral (Female)

How to Dress When Attending a Funeral (Female)

A funeral is a somber and subdued affair and calls for an outfit that fits the occasion. Funeral dress can depend on faith and tradition but there are some fail-safe rules that will ensure you will always show the proper respect that a funeral requires.

Things You'll Need:

Lint roller


Buy a multi functioning outfit. If you are going to buy something new for the occasion, pick something that can be worn on other occasions as well. Interviews, business meetings and formal dinners are all times when you can wear similar discreet attire.


Be conservative in your choice and pick clothes that cover you up. Button up shirts to avoid showing cleavage and wear a skirt that reaches the knee at least. Suits, skirts and slacks are all appropriate choices as long as they are conservative. If the deceased was of a particular faith, ask beforehand if there are any particular traditions to follow.


Choose dark colors. Black is the obvious choice but other sedate colors such as gray and navy are also acceptable. Make sure that your colors match and that individual items such as a black jacket and black skirt are the same hue.


Be well pressed. Whatever your final selection is, make sure that the outfit is clean, ironed or pressed without stains or creases. Even if an outfit is clean but has been hanging in your closet for a long time, clean it again. For dark colors especially, use a lint roller to remove any dust or hairs.


Wear discreet accessories such as a simple gold or silver watch, necklace or earrings. Avoid wearing over-sized or chunky accessories and brightly colored items. Sunglasses are acceptable but remove them if you go inside.

Tips & Warnings

Sometimes the deceased leaves specific instructions for dress at their funeral, such as brightly colored or humorous outfits.

Never criticize other people's choice of attire, however inappropriate.

Don't wear very high heels or shoes that are difficult to walk in.

How to Dress When Attending a College Graduation Ceremony (Female)

How to Dress When Attending a College Graduation Ceremony (Female)

Watching a member of your family graduate from college is a joyous and proud moment. Knowing how to dress for such an occasion is not difficult, but should be done tastefully.


Choose a dark or solid-colored dress. While this is a celebration, you do not want your dress to cause a commotion or draw attention from the graduates.


Use the same rule for skirts and pair them with a white or light top.


Pick shoes based on where the ceremony will be held and how much standing you may have to do. If the ceremony is outside, consider a lower, thicker heel. Choose a shoe with some stability in case of wet sidewalks, grass or rain.


Choose tasteful jewelry. A couple of nice pieces are great; it's not the time for something large and outrageous. This is a special time for your family member, not your jewelry. Consider wearing something that the family member gave you as a gift, to show him or her how proud you are of them.

Tips & Warnings

Take or wear a cardigan, even in warm and dry weather. The weather could turn or if the ceremony is held indoors, the A/C will likely be turned on to accommodate for a crowd.

Keep in mind that you will have pictures to pose for with your graduate. Remember that your graduate is the star on this special day, not your outfit.

Most colleges will allow guests to wear sunglasses and the ladies to wear hats, especially if the ceremony is outside.

Plan carefully for anything. Ask yourself: Will it rain? Is it going to be cold? How long will I be standing? Is there gravel or soft grass?

How to Dress Well Without Buying Expensive Clothes

How to Dress Well Without Buying Expensive Clothes

First impressions are always important and how you dress affects people's first impression of you. Clothes are expensive, though, and keeping up with the latest trends and runway offerings can drain your bank account. Finding low-cost alternatives is an option that is almost as fun as wearing the new clothes.


Learn what is "in." Even if you are into creating your own style, knowing the latest trend helps you make wise choices when assembling your wardrobe. Follow fashion magazines and fashion TV. Pay attention to what Hollywood is wearing. They set many trends.


Shop at different discount stores. Discount stores have good-quality clothes for less money. There are also

and name-brand consignment stores that only take name-brand quality clothing to resell.


Learn to sew and alter clothing. You can buy designer fabric and patterns to make your own clothes, which is less expensive than buying off the rack. You can also alter inexpensive clothes to give them a designer look.


Bid for fashionable clothes online. Set a price you are willing to pay and you may get a bargain on a fashionable piece of clothing. Consider selling the clothes you no longer wear as well.


Start a fashion co-op with friends. If you have friends that wear your same size, you can swap and trade clothes. This increases your fashion wardrobe and your friends' as well.

How to Dress Well for Any Occasion

How to Dress Well for Any Occasion

Whether you have a stack of invitations piling up on your desk or just one very important occasion to attend in the near future, you may be stressing about what to wear. The following guidelines will help you to dress well for any occasion that may be coming up.


Find out what the typical attire is for the type of event you're attending by asking the host of the event. This way you'll know exactly what the expectations are, and you won't show up wearing jeans and a tank top when everyone else is in a dress.


Consider the season, the time of the day of the event and the weather, especially if the event is outdoors. For example, if you're going to a beach wedding, wear a light, summer dress as opposed to a formal gown that you might wear to an indoor, nighttime, winter wedding.


Peruse your closet and try on different outfits or dresses to see if you already have something that you'll feel comfortable wearing to this particular occasion.


Go shopping for an outfit if you couldn't find anything suitable in your closet, and bring a friend who will help you decide on the right thing to wear for the occasion.


Make sure to have matching shoes and accessories to go with your outfit, and shop for those as well if you don't have any at home that will work out.

Tips & Warnings

Plan your outfits in advance. If you have several
coming up this summer and you'd like to wear a different dress for each one, start shopping early so that you're not stuck at the last minute with nothing to wear and no time to find a suitable dress or pair of shoes.

Ask friends or family what they're wearing to the same occasion to make sure you're all on the same page and to ensure that you won't be under or overdressed.

How to Dress Well as a Tall Girl

How to Dress Well as a Tall Girl

Finding clothes that compliment height is sometimes a challenge. Specialty shops and some

carry clothes for those who are tall, but it's important to make the right clothing selections to truly dress well as a tall girl.

Dress to Make Height Less Noticeable


Wear skirts that are a medium length and have a slight flare. Showing too much leg makes you look taller and a long skirt or dress gives your body length.


Appear shorter by wearing skirts and tops to give the appearance of a horizontal break line in your height. Tuck in your shirt or wear a wide belt over your top at the waist.


Make your legs look shorter with low-rise pants or jeans.


Choose a style and size that has a little extra fabric but isn't baggy.


Look shorter by wearing longer


and taking shoulder pads out of jackets and blouses.

Enjoy Your Height


Dress well in the latest fashion for tall girls. Wear layered separates in contrasting subtle colors.


Enjoy wearing boots, leggings or ribbed knee-high socks with skirts.


Use design in your favor with patterns that have horizontal lines.


Walk comfortably in shoes with lower heels to appear shorter, but don't deprive yourself of the style of a high heel. Choose shoes that you love and wear them with confidence.


Compliment your outfit with a stylish purse. Consider a shorter strap rather than a shoulder bag with a long strap.


Take pride in who you are and how you look. Hold your head up high, put your shoulders back and walk with dignity knowing you are tall and dress well.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid wearing black if you are slim and tall.

How to Dress Well All Day

How to Dress Well All Day

Looking great all day is not something you achieve without investing time, effort and preparation. Dressing well goes beyond making the right clothing choices. Keep these points in mind as you choose clothing and prepare to dress well all day long.

Choose Clothes and Accessories


Plan your activities for the day and determine what you will wear. Don't forget to choose a great coat or jacket to go over your outfit so you are well dressed all day.


Look for clothes that flatter your figure. The correct size and cut of clothing will make a difference in the appearance of your shape.


Remove shoulder pads to make you look less broad across the shoulders. Try different hem lengths to find the one that looks best for your leg shape and shoe height.


Choose colors and pieces of clothing that match with others in your wardrobe to make the transition from one activity to the next an easy change.


Dress in clothing colors that look good with your

and skin tone. Ask friends to help you determine great colors for you or go to a salon for advice.


Match your purse and shoes to your outfit, keeping in mind the activities you will participate in throughout the day. Take a change of shoes if you plan to take a walk at lunch time or go out for a dressy occasion in the evening.


Accessorize with the perfect jewelry. Choose something appropriate for your job but also try to select pieces to dress up your evening outfit.

Care for a Wardrobe


Care for your clothing in advance. Wash your clothes following the manufacturers' instructions.


Purchase clothing that does not easily wrinkle and iron anything that doesn't look neat. Make sure the colors are still brilliant and not faded.


Hang up clothes on the appropriate size and type of hangar. Do not hang clothes on bare wire hangars.


Fold clothes neatly with the least amount of folds possible and store them in an area that is large enough to accommodate the items of clothing.


Replace missing buttons and repair torn seams and hems. Use a lint roller and always have a small one in your car, purse or at work.


Polish your shoes and remove scuff marks. Clean, repair or replace your purse if it doesn't look great and compliment your outfit.

Tips & Warnings

Appear well dressed all day by being clean and well groomed. People won't notice your expensive outfit if your physical appearance is unkempt.

How to Dress Warmly and Fashionably

How to Dress Warmly and Fashionably

When the


drops, it's easy to shun fashion in favor of warmth and comfort. These tips will keep you warm and stylish during the cold winter months.


Find the perfect fit. Regardless of the


, no one looks stylish in bulky, ill-fitting clothing. Look for styles that fit your frame and flatter your body type.


Embrace layers. Layers can help you cope with varying indoor and outdoor temperatures and add warmth with style.


Add a belt. A belt can make even the bulkiest sweater or coat more flattering.


Stock up on accessories. Protect your hands, neck and head warm with flair. There are scarves, hats and gloves to fit every personality and lifestyle.


Chose fabrics wisely. Shearling, leather and and faux fur coats look great, but may not be practical for wetter climates. Chose an everyday coat in wool or down, and try and find one with a removable lining that can work for you year-round.

How to Dress Up Women's Shorts

How to Dress Up Women's Shorts

Shorts used to be mainly for the gym or the beach, but that's no longer the case. With the right top and accessories, you can dress them up for work, a dinner
or even a semi-formal event. Here are some tricks to make shorts perfect for a variety of occasions.

Things You'll Need:

Bermuda shorts

Short wool cuffed shorts

Shorts jumpsuit

Halter top

Metallic tank top

Cropped blazer

Leather jacket


Silk blouse


Black tights

Textured tights

Shoe boots

Platform pumps




Turn up the heat on a pair of plain bermuda shorts by adding a shoulder-baring halter top, high wedges and dressy bangle bracelets.


Incorporate a few of the latest trends by wearing dark short wool cuffed shorts with dark tights, bright shoes and a long cardigan cinched at the waist with a belt. Add a few long chains to complete the look.


Wear a metallic tank or sweater with short shorts and platform pumps for a night on the town. Dangling earrings will add the perfect finishing touch.


Add a modern spin to a shorts jumpsuit by wearing it with textured tights, shoe booties and a cropped leather jacket.


Make your longer shorts appropriate for work with stockings, flats and a preppy blazer or vest worn over a blouse.


Achieve a classic style with nice shorts and a silk blouse. Select accessories that pop, such as a thin red belt or red pumps to add just a hint of pizzazz.

Tips & Warnings

Next time you go to wear a skirt, grab your favorite shorts instead. These are a modern alternative that will work in almost any situation.

Invest in shorts of varying lengths. Shorter cuffed shorts are good for dressy occasions, while longer, narrow cut shorts can be perfect for day.

Avoid flashing too-white legs with your shorts and ruining the look. Use a self-tanner or wear tights instead.

Do the rear-view mirror test to be sure you are covered when you walk in very short shorts.

How to Dress Up That Little Black Dress

How to Dress Up That Little Black Dress

There's a reason why so many women own a little black dress. The timeless classic is so versatile; it's definitely an article of clothing you can buy without guilt. Get more mileage from your favorite by adapting it to suit an assortment of moods and occasions.


Buy a dress made with a lightweight, flattering fabric (like silk crepe) that suits your body style and fits well. Look for a knee-length skirt and a classic design that's easily adaptable. You won't be able to wear a strapless dress or one with an open back to the office, for example.


Change your accessories to fit the function. For example, tie a silk scarf around your neck or embellish with a brooch while at work, then swap them for a dazzling choker, chunky metal bangles, dangling


or a fancy shawl for a night on the town.


Add color with a vibrant belt and shoes. Try cute ballet flats by day and open-toed or sling-back pumps by night. Tall, leather high-heeled boots will also work for either.


Swap your purse. Downsize from your daytime bucket bag or tote to a stylish clutch that coordinates with your belt and shoes.


Snap on a faux fur collar or cuffs to add warmth and alter the overall appearance of your dress. Secure them so they won't flop off in the middle of an event.


Complete the look with a sophisticated hairstyle and glamorous makeup. Try shimmering lip gloss and eye shadow for added pizazz.

Tips & Warnings

Don't undermine your effort by wearing a black dress covered in fuzz balls. Run a lint brush over it before you head out the door and as soon as you arrive if you've got furry car seat covers.

How to Dress Up Like an Inmate

How to Dress Up Like an Inmate

Next time you're invited to a costume party, unlock your imagination and go as a prison inmate. Pretend to do the crime and then do the time as you boogie to some jailhouse rock.


Go classic. Buy a black and white striped inmate pants, tops and hats. Wear thick, black convict shoes, an inmate number, thick wrist manacles or a ball and chain for a timeless prison look.


Improvise with an orange jumpsuit or orange medical scrubs. Find slip-on canvas shoes or plastic flip-flops for an authentic inmate look. Remember to add handcuffs or ankle chains to your costume. Print "County Correctional Institution" on your back to complete the inmate look.


Dress up as a celebrity inmate to bring a little Hollywood glamour to your next costume party. Choose someone like Paris Hilton as an inspiration for the celebrity inmate look.


Add work-gang chains to any work shirt and pair of jeans for a prison chain-gang costume. Carry a shovel and sing a chain-gang song to complete the costume.


Buy a sexy inmate costume from an online or local costume shop and you may find yourself jailed by your
. Purchase fuzzy handcuffs, work-gang chains and high heels to finish the sexy look. Stay at home and see if the jailhouse rocks.

How to Dress Up Leather Sandals

How to Dress Up Leather Sandals

It's easy to dress up a pair of leather sandals. No need for glue guns, fabric staples, needle or thread. Just pick up simple items from a craft store or hair-care display and let your imagination go wild. A few steps will convert this footwear from plain to elegant.

Things You'll Need:

Leather sandals

Gold and silver package cord

Decorated hair clips

Ribbon of 3/4-inch width

Self-adhesive sequin tape


Braid gold and silver package cord. Place two long strings of gold and silver cord side by side and tie them at mid length in a double knot around the center of the top strap. This will result in four strips of cord, two gold and two silver. Take one gold and one silver strip and braid them down the left side of the strap. Tie a knot at every alternating criss cross to secure the cord. Use a double knot at the end of the strap. Repeat for the right side. Try this adornment on high-heeled leather sandals for holiday or evening dress up.


Clip hair decorations to the center strap. Hair adornments come in many varieties including artificial flowers, rhinestones, pearls and lace bows, all with a hidden clip on the underside. Slip the clip around the center strap and snap shut. Use this embellishment for leather sandals with a mid-height heel when the dress code calls for a sophisticated look.


Borrow the ballet look. Cut two 15-inch lengths of Вѕ-inch width ribbon. Use a double knot to tie the end of one ribbon to the end of the left strap at the point where it attaches to the base of the leather sandal. Repeat for the right strap using the other length of ribbon. Then crisscross the ribbons around the leg, moving up the calf. Secure by double tying a bow at mid-calf. Try beaded or lace ribbon for flair. Wear with a simple black, knee-length dress to achieve a dramatic look.


Apply self-adhesive sequin tape. Cut strips to correspond with the lengths of the straps. Pull off the backing and press firmly against the leather strap. Wear with bright colors that correspond to the sequin to achieve a vibrant, well-coordinated image.


Wrap fluffy yarn around the straps. Place the center of the string of yarn at the center of the top strap. Tie a firm double knot. Wind the left side of the string tightly around the left side of the strap, moving toward the base of the leather sandal. Tie a firm knot to secure the string at the end of the strap. Repeat for the right side. Feather boa is an attractive substitute for fluffy yarn. Wear with a sundress for a light, airy look.

Tips & Warnings

Change embellishments to use one pair of leather sandals for several occasions.

Don't spend more on embellishments than the cost of the leather sandals.

How to Dress Up Jeans

How to Dress Up Jeans

Both men and women like to slip into a nice pair of comfortable jeans. Jeans are often associated with casual wear. But with some accessories, you can dress up jeans nicely. Whether you are going out for a night on the town, a dinner party or conference, you can dress up jeans to create a very fashionable and sophisticated look.


Buy the pair of jeans that best fits your body style. If you are planning to attend a more formal type of event, choose dark denim.


Browse through your closet or clothing store for a shirt that's more on the dressy side. For women, select something that's lacy, frilly, or silky can dress up your jeans nicely. For men, a dressy button down shirt can compliment the jeans.


Choose some


that can dress up your jeans as well. For women, a stunning necklace could certainly add some sophistication to your style. For men, a fancy watch or chain can also create a look of distinction.


Purchase a belt that can dress up your jeans. Women often can dress up jeans with a colorful belt, a chain belt or a cloth belt. Men can dress up jeans with a genuine leather belt.


Select a pair of shoes that contributes some classiness to your jeans. For women, a nice pair of high heels can compliment your look. Men can choose a pair of loafers or patent leather dress shoes to complete the tasteful, classy look.