How to Make a Crystal Grid

How to Make a Crystal Grid

If your wallet isn't as fat as you'd like it to be, or your dream partner hasn't showed up yet, tap into the power of crystals by making a crystal grid. These are made by placing crystals in a circle or other geometric pattern that will direct energy toward whatever you want to create.

Things You'll Need:

Five crystals that correspond to what you want to manifest

Location to place the grid where it won't be disturbed

Sage smudge stick, bell, or bowl of sea salt


Make the intention clear. This is an important element when charging crystals and should be done whenever working with crystals. Be sure to always intend everything for the highest good.


Select a location for the grid. It may be an obvious location like the bedroom for better sleep. Wherever the grid is placed, make sure it won't be disturbed.


Clear the space. This can be done by waving a sage smudge stick, ringing a bell or placing a bowl of sea salt in the room to collect negative energy.


Place the crystals in the design. A simple design is to place four crystals in a square and a fifth one in the middle. Make sure to point the crystals in the same direction. The crystals used should reflect what you are wanting to manifest. For example, if you want to create a loving relationship, use rose quartz.


Sit next to the grid and quiet your mind by focusing on your breath. Pay attention to any visions, thoughts or feelings that come to you. When you are finished meditating, thank the crystals and the universe and allow yourself to receive your manifestations.

How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

When you have a cold, your muscles ache, your nose is stuffy and your chest is congested. Pamper yourself with a cold relief bubble bath that you can make out of all natural ingredients. The mint, eucalyptus and orange will loosen congestion and help you to breathe easier while relieving aching muscles. The grapefruit oil will help to flush toxins from your body, and the warm water and pleasing scents will relax you.

Things You'll Need:

1 quart distilled or filtered water

6 oz. castile soap

4 oz. liquid glycerin

Mixing bowl

Stick blender

7 drops eucalyptus essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential oil

3 drops peppermint oil

2 drops spearmint oil

4 drops sweet orange essential oil

Clean, resealable container


Place the distilled water, castile soap and liquid glycerin in a mixing bowl and blend them thoroughly with a stick blender.


Add the eucalyptus essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, peppermint oil, spearmint oil and sweet orange essential oil and mix until the ingredients are thoroughly blended.


Store your cold relief bubble bath in a clean, resealable container.

Tips & Warnings

Soak in the cold relief bubble bath for at least 10 minutes. Breath deeply through your nose and exhale from your mouth to get the most benefit from the essential oils.

Don't use cold relief bubble bath for young
without checking with your doctor first.

If you have sensitive skin, use a bit less peppermint oil and keep the oil away from your face.

How to Make a Cleansing Bath

How to Make a Cleansing Bath

Baths are a great way to relax in solitude, but if you add some liquid sage you can also get a nice cleanse out of it. This self cleansing bath will help to nullify all the negativity you've built up over the past week.

Things You'll Need:

Liquid Sage

Sea salt


Fill the tub with hot water and mix in two cups of sea salt. Add one teaspoon of sage oil to it. If you don't have any, sprinkle regular sage into the water, but make sure to wash it all off before you leave the tub.


If you have oil of
and tea tree as well, add four drops of each oil to your bath.


Lower yourself into the water and visualize it cleansing you of all negativity. Feel the negativity in your entire physical, mental and spiritual self being to be released into the water as you bathe.


Take a loofah and scrub away all the tension in your body.


When you feel ready, release the drain, allowing the negatively charged water to flow out of the tub. Repeat the following as it drains three times:
"Thank you Water Elements of the West for cleansing my body, mind and spirit of negativity."


Rinse yourself off with cool water and dry off.

Tips & Warnings

Sage helps fight acne and skin inflammations.

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

How to Make a Castor Oil Pack

The castor oil pack has been used successfully for centuries to improve elimination, digestion, circulation and improve lymphatic function.
Read on to find out what conditions can be treated with it and how to make a castor oil pack.

Things You'll Need:

Organic castor oil

cotton flannel or undyed wool

plastic wrap

hot water bottle

Bath towel




Liver overload from prescription/recreational/over the counter drugs and/or alcohol use.

--Inflammation of joints, muscles, and organs


--Conditions that inhibit lymph flow or immune function

--Digestive and eliminative issues

--Menstrual difficulties and/or ovarian/uterine cysts



Place on the right side of the abdomen to stimulate the liver

Use to detoxify the liver.

--Apply to swollen, inflamed, sore joints and muscles.

--Place on the abdomen to relieve digestive issues and constipation.

--Place on the lower abdomen to relieve menstrual complaints or cysts.



Gather all items needed and fill water bottle with hot water.

--Make sure flannel is large enough to fold 2 or 3 times.

--Soak flannel in enough castor oil to saturate, but not drip.

--Apply to area of the body, directly on the skin.

--Apply plastic wrap over full cloth.

--Place heated water bottle over pack.

--Place a towel over the whole pack.

--Cover yourself with a blanket.


Rest for 30-60 minutes. This is a good time to just be "still". Or perhaps, a book or listen to music, or even meditate.

Use 3-5 times per week. Time length recommended is 6 weeks to 3 months.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't have a hot water bottle, you may use an herbal hot pack (or a couple socks filled with rice and tied at the end; heated in the microwave.) Electric heating pads are not recommended.

Store flannel in ziplock bag in the refrigerator. It can be re-used 25-30 times.

A baking soda/water paste will remove excess oil residue

Castor oil will stain clothes and linens so prepare accordingly.

If you have concerns or questions about castor oil for your own use; please discuss it with a holistic health practitioner.

How to Make a calming Massage Oil

How to Make a calming Massage Oil

Create a calming, sensual massage oil that will soothe your senses and relax your muscles.

Things You'll Need:

Empty bottle

8 oz oil

10-15 drops sandlewood essential oil

15-20 drops patcholi essential oil

10 drops cedarwood essential oil

1-2 drops lavender essential oil


Pour 8 oz oil into empty bottle.


Add essential oils


Gently stir contents of bottle


Put lid on bottle and you are ready to massage

Tips & Warnings

The best oils to use are natual, Bio-tone is my prefered brand, or you can use vegetable, corn, olive, almond, sunflower or jojba oil.

Check that your base oil does not have its own scent or that will change the outcome.

You can adjust the amounts of essential oil to your preference. I have used this on my clients for years and they love it.

When you are done just smell and feel the relaxation come over you. If you feel the need to add a few more drops of any of the essential please do so, make it your own.

If you are pregnant do not add
oil to your mixture.

Lavender is also a strong essential oil be careful not to add to much.

How to Make a Burn Treatment

How to Make a Burn Treatment

Ever burn yourself on the kitchen stove and reach for immediate relief only to find none? This easy recipe can be made at home and kept close at hand in case of an emergency. You will be happy to have it, believe me!

Things You'll Need:

Aloe vera gel

Dark glass bottle & lid

Kettle for boiling water

Large mixing bowl

Strainers, sieves




I had seared the palm of my hand once by picking up a large pot that was on a hot burner. I threw the pot out the window, put my hand in a glass of cold water and went about the garden picking herbs. I made myself a very effective concoction which I will describe to you. It is much better to have this on hand, on the ready for when the next burn comes.

Find the fresh healing herbs that are right in your own back yard. This is where any home-made healing product begins. Here are some ideas for burn treatment herbs: horsetail fern, mint of any kind, flowers of chamomile, calendula or violet, leaves of plantain or nettles, root of comfrey, dandelion or burdock. If you don't have any fresh herbs or wildflowers available, use loose peppermint tea.


Fill your kettle with purified water and put it on to boil. Rip leaves and flowers by hand. Grind your root in an herb-only coffee grinder or with a mortar and pestle. The more surface of the plant product exposed to the water, the more effective the infusion will be. Fill the quart jar to 8oz with herb and wait for the water to boil.


Make sure your water is as pure as possible, distilled or filtered or both. Lead, copper, mercury, chlorine, flouride (all commonly found in US tap water) will affect the quality of any product you make at home. Fill the quart jar up with boiling water. Seal your lid.


Let the herbs steep. You are making an infusion. If you need to get immediate relief, let the tea steep for 20 minutes before straining. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave it for 24 hours.


Strain the infusion. Pour it back into your quart jar and top off with purified water. You now have 32-oz herbal infusion.


Pour into a large bowl. Add 32-oz aloe vera gel, organic if possible. Mix with a whisk.


If you burned your hand or foot, you can put your burn directly into your mixing bowl and let it soak until you have some relief. You can soak a clean, white, cotton rag or bandage in the mixture, squeeze out excess moisture and wrap it around your burns for comfort. This is good for sleeping. You can cover the wet bandage with a plastic bag to avoid seepage onto your clothes or bedding.

Tips & Warnings

Be sure to keep your bandage clean. Do not re-use a dirty bandage. Throw it away and get a new one every time.

Do not dip a used bandage into your clean healing mixture. You will have to throw it away and start again.

Any clean product left over should be poured into a dark glass bottle and kept in a cool, dark place - like your fridge. The aloe vera is an anti-oxidant so it will have a healthy shelf life.

Remember that infection is what you want to be most careful to avoid. Keep everything clean!

Burns are among the most painful skin traumas you can suffer. Take aspirin or ibuprofen to kill the pain. If that is not enough, see your doctor for narcotic pain-killers.

Burns also leave nasty scars. After the pain is gone, be sure to use Vitamin E oil and evening primrose oil directly on the scars. Make sure you are getting enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids in your diet. These steps will help reduce scarring.

If you see muscle, tendon or bone THROUGH your burn, it is 3rd degree and needs immediate medical attention. Get thee to a hospital! Good to have someone else drive you as you might go into shock.

How to Make a big Batch of Kombucha

How to Make a big Batch of Kombucha

Used in China as a healing elixir for more than 2,000 years, Kombucha tea is thought of as a detoxifier that promotes healthy digestion. Healthy digestion leads to better skin, improved eyesight and increased circulation and energy. Kombucha tea is made of probiotic yeast and bacteria, enzymes, black tea and sugar.

Things You'll Need:

Kombucha culture

Filtered water

Black tea

Organic white sugar

Apple cider vinegar

Glass bowl

Cotton towel

Rubber band





Plastic spoon


Brew a pot of black tea. Use 4 tsp. black tea and let it steep for 20 minutes. As Kombucha requires the tea for fermentation, only real tea will synergize this process. Herbal teas or commercial teas with added oils will deter the fermentation process.


Strain the black tea into a container that holds at least 8 1/2 cups and stir in 5.5 ounces of white organic sugar with a large spoon until it dissolves completely. Add additional cold water to make 8 1/2 cups. Hot water will kill the culture, so make sure this is cool before adding.


Add 2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar to the glass bowl. Pour the tea into the bowl after it cools.


Slide the Kombucha scoby, or culture, into the bowl with the tea and cover it with the cotton towel.


Secure the towel with a rubber band. This will keep contaminants out of the scoby, but let air get to the culture so it can ferment.


Set the brew in a dark area at 70 to 86 degrees for seven to 14 days. After seven days, the tea will have fermented. You can move the scoby to the side and taste the tea and see if it's as sweet or bitter as you like. Bottle it when you feel it's the right flavor.


Bottle the tea and save about a cup for your next batch. Use the cup of the Kombacha tea instead of apple cider vinegar for the starter in future brews.

Tips & Warnings

Storing the bottled brew for a four to six weeks will improve the tea's flavor, as the sugar allows fermenting to continue.

Kombucha is a living culture of bacteria and yeasts. Brew your tea with clean hands, bowls, towels and accessories.

If you use a metal bowl instead of glass, the acid created by the fermentation process can pull the metal into the mixture.

If a mold grows on the top of the Kombucha scoby, discard the batch and start over.

Watch out for allergic reactions to Kombucha; nausea and vomiting are common symptoms.

How to Make a Basic Herbal Ointment

How to Make a Basic Herbal Ointment

Ointments are my favorite way to apply herbal remedies topically. They are especially good for treating:

• Skin conditions such as Eczema

• Bites and Stings

• Skin irritations

• Poison Ivy, Poison Sumac and others

• Blisters

The basic recipe is always the same, but the herbs change depending on what you use the ointment for.

Things You'll Need:

3/4 cup oil such as olive or almond

1/4 cup dried herb or herbal blend of choice

Double burner

Microwave safe bowl

4 tbsp. grated beeswax

Small container with a cover

4 to 5 drops essential oil of choice (optional)


Choose the herbs and essential oils you want to include in the blend. For your first blend, dried
or chamomile are good choices. You can also uses lavender or chamomile essential oils.


Place oil and dried herb in a double burner and heat for around 30 minutes.


Strain oil mixture into a microwave safe bowl and discard the herbs.


Add beeswax and microwave on high until beeswax is melted, about 20 minutes. However, times will vary.


Pour into the container and add essential oil. Store in the refrigerator after it cools.

Tips & Warnings

Use natural beeswax, not paraffin for best results.

Be careful while making it--the oil and beeswax will be hot.

How to Make A Anti Gas Lozenge

How to Make A Anti Gas Lozenge

Got gas? Anti Gas Lozenges can be used to relieve stomach issues to avoid uncomfortable moments when gas comes up. Just pop one in when your feeling gassy and you will soon feel better. Learn how to make your own, by reading directions below.

Things You'll Need:

1 sugar cube

1 drop peppermint essential oil


Place the sugar cube on a paper towel.


Add the one drop of peppermint essential oil to the sugar cube.


Let dry for at least one minute.


Place lozenge in mouth and suck on slowly. This will help the peppermint relieve the pressure in the stomach that causes gas.

How to Major in Massage Therapy

How to Major in Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is most often used to alleviate muscular pain that ranges anywhere from slight to severe. Athletic and collegiate teams, professional organizations, and privately owned corporations and businesses will employ educated and professionally licensed massage therapists. A college-educated massage therapist can also gain employment at a private massage therapy firm, or even at a physical therapy practitioner. The possibilities are nearly endless, but in order to take advantage of them, you will need to attain a college-certified massage therapy degree.

Things You'll Need:

Cash or student loans

Full or part-time availability

How to Major in Massage Therapy


Locate a college massage therapy program that is accredited by the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation. The Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation publishes an annual list of accredited programs at major universities and community colleges. Visit their Website at for more information.


Locate a massage therapy program that offers internship experience and possible job placement after commencement. Much like any other discipline of study, you will want to find a collegiate program that offers some form of professional placement upon graduation. However, if you can not find such a program in your area and are unable to relocate, apply to a college or university that offers internship experience, so that you will be equipped with professional experience immediately after you receive your degree or certificate.


Register to take and pass the institution's minimum-competency exam. Most massage therapy programs require that you pass a minimum-competency exam in order to secure your place at the college or university. They want to be certain that you are able to handle the course-load, which is often comprised of human anatomy and other science courses.


Purchase a professional massage table for practice when not on college or university grounds. A professional massage table will afford you the ability to practice massage techniques from a variety of positions and angles. However, you may need to save money for a professional massage table before you enter the program, as they are often quite costly.


Prepare for a curriculum that focuses greatly on the human anatomy and massage therapy basics. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology is just one of the courses in which you will need to enroll that combines both a scientific and practical knowledge of the human body. The majority of your remaining courses will focus more closely on massage therapy practice and its basic applications.

Tips & Warnings

Search for employment with a company that offers onsite massage to their employees.

Be certain that you desire to become a massage therapist before you apply to various schools with massage therapy programs.