How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

How to Make a Cold Relief Bubble Bath

When you have a cold, your muscles ache, your nose is stuffy and your chest is congested. Pamper yourself with a cold relief bubble bath that you can make out of all natural ingredients. The mint, eucalyptus and orange will loosen congestion and help you to breathe easier while relieving aching muscles. The grapefruit oil will help to flush toxins from your body, and the warm water and pleasing scents will relax you.

Things You'll Need:

1 quart distilled or filtered water

6 oz. castile soap

4 oz. liquid glycerin

Mixing bowl

Stick blender

7 drops eucalyptus essential oil

5 drops grapefruit essential oil

3 drops peppermint oil

2 drops spearmint oil

4 drops sweet orange essential oil

Clean, resealable container


Place the distilled water, castile soap and liquid glycerin in a mixing bowl and blend them thoroughly with a stick blender.


Add the eucalyptus essential oil, grapefruit essential oil, peppermint oil, spearmint oil and sweet orange essential oil and mix until the ingredients are thoroughly blended.


Store your cold relief bubble bath in a clean, resealable container.

Tips & Warnings

Soak in the cold relief bubble bath for at least 10 minutes. Breath deeply through your nose and exhale from your mouth to get the most benefit from the essential oils.

Don't use cold relief bubble bath for young
without checking with your doctor first.

If you have sensitive skin, use a bit less peppermint oil and keep the oil away from your face.